Data protection law is becoming increasingly important and the enforcement of strict data protection regulations continues to grow.
Anyone who presents themselves on the Internet today without complying with data protection regulations runs the risk of being sued by supervisory authorities or competitors.
There is also the threat of financial sanctions and fines.

In view of the sometimes complicated data flows, it is not always clear at first glance which data flows where.
We advise you on the correct handling of data in your company and also on the information on your website.

Data protection law: It’s about more than data

Data protection law not only covers the protection of “data” in the narrower sense, but is also sometimes used synonymously for the broad area of the protection of “secrets”.
This is not the only reason why data protection law in the broader sense encompasses all laws, ordinances and other regulations that are dedicated to the protection of privacy and the right to informational self-determination and regulate the handling of secrets and personal data.

Advertising, online store, Facebook presence, newsletter & co.

As soon as you collect, store or use third-party data, you generally require the consent of the data subject or must at least inform them of this.
The areas of application for data collection and processing are as diverse as the possibilities of the internet.
It starts with the Facebook plugin of your own blog and does not end with the collection of customer data to evaluate purchasing behavior.
We will show you how you can act in compliance with data protection regulations despite strict requirements.

Special case of employee data protection

Employee data protection law (often also referred to as employee data protection law) is another focus of our work.
We advise you on issues relating to video surveillance in the workplace, the monitoring of (personal) correspondence and telecommunications in general, right through to the necessary coordination with the works council.

Data protection advice and support for the data protection officer

We are available as consultants to the management, the board, the works council or the existing data protection officer.
We also provide training or help with the drafting of contracts and guidelines to safeguard data protection in your company.