We want to pass on the knowledge we have gained. We therefore regularly offer lectures in the areas of copyright and photography law for interested companies, associations and clubs. We are also happy to come to you. Simply get in touch with us without obligation.
A small excerpt from previous lectures:
- Workshop "Online communication and new media" (March 26-28, 2017)
- Workshop "Online communication and new media" (March 20-22, 2016)
- Workshop "Online communication and new media" (June 14-16, 2015)
- Discussion panel on the topic "Navigating the legal gray area - photography in the public sphere" as part of the lecture event of the German Photographic Society (DGPh) in Cologne (June 27, 2014)
- Workshop on "Photo and press law in the digital world" at the annual conference of the Federal Association of University Communication in Hanover (September 12, 2013)
- Lecture on "Photo law in daily public relations work" at the University of Bonn (April 19, 2013)
- In-house training course on "Photo and press law" for BG ETEM in Cologne (March 13, 2013)
- Lectures on the topic of "Photo law" as part of the event 'aus.löser 2012′ of the photographers' association gebäude.1 in Wuppertal (September 28-30, 2012)
- Webinar on "Successful as a photographer" (January 30 - March 30, 2012)
- Workshop on "Photo law for daily press work" as part of the annual conference of the Federal Association of University Communication in Frankfurt (Oder) (September 15, 2011)
- Lectures on the subject of "Photo law" as part of the event 'aus.löser 2011′ of the photographers' association gebäude.1 in Wuppertal (August 6-7, 2011)