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Inadmissible media disruption: advertising letter may not refer to general terms and conditions on the Internet
Inadmissible media disruption: advertising letters may not refer to general terms and conditions on the Internet – important decision by the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court.
When and how can you advertise with a customer review?
Advertising with customer reviews: What is allowed and what is not?
Find out what legal limits companies must observe.
Copyright for “Mickey Mouse” expired – which uses are now permitted
Copyright to the original version of Mickey Mouse has expired: What is now allowed and what is not.
Find out more about the legal details.
Environmental advertising in the eye of the law
Companies try to make their products more attractive with labels such as “environmentally or climate neutral” by suggesting a more sustainable life.
Trademark application in bad faith as leverage in competition
Trademark applications in bad faith: How abusive registrations lead to a blocking position and circumvent competition law – an EGC case.
What does the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) require?
The Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) requires large German companies to comply with human rights and environmental standards along their supply chain.
The probative value of an AU certificate can be undermined
In its landmark ruling of April 18, 2024 (6 Sa 416/23), the Lower Saxony Higher Labor Court made a fundamental decision on the probative value of an AU.
Cannabis use in the workplace
Cannabis use has been legal with restrictions since April 1, 2024.
What consequences and problems does this have for employers?
Is WhatsApp election advertising permitted?
Modern election campaign: When the use of the Messenger service torpedoes the works council election.