Why you must issue a warning before a preliminary injunction for copyright infringements on YouTube
Copyright infringement on YouTube? Why a warning is absolutely necessary before a preliminary injunction and what you should bear in mind.
Copyright infringement on YouTube? Why a warning is absolutely necessary before a preliminary injunction and what you should bear in mind.
Copyright to the original version of Mickey Mouse has expired: What is now allowed and what is not.
Find out more about the legal details.
Which copyright law applies when rights are infringed on the Internet?
The Hamburg Regional Court has ruled on the domestic aspect.
Read all about the decision here!
A decision by the Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt on the significance of the humor factor of a parody in copyright law.
Collecting societies can demand limited information about the use of copyrights.
The BGH has now ruled on the scope.
News on the question of when connection owners are liable for illegal file sharing.
In the opinion of the KG Berlin, a computer graphic is not protected as a photograph under copyright law.
Embellish your website with Fotolia photos without having to name the author?
It should be possible to waive the obligation to name the author via a GTC clause.
Internet platforms may be liable in future if copyrighted material can be accessed there.
Previously, the uploaders were liable.
With its ruling, the Federal Court of Justice is now following the EU line.
Shoe models can enjoy copyright protection as works of applied art under the German Copyright Act (UrhG).
This was decided by the Cologne Regional Court.
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