According to a recent decision by the BGH, the value of € 50,000 is not objectionable in the context of legal appeal proceedings: “The economic interest of the trademark owner in maintaining its trademark is decisive for the determination of the value in dispute of the appeal proceedings in a trademark cancellation dispute. According to the case law of the Senate, setting the value in dispute at € 50,000 for the appeal proceedings in a trade mark revocation dispute generally corresponds to reasonable discretion (see BGH, decision of December 22, 2017 – I ZB 45/16, WRP 2018, 349 marginal no. 1 with further references). In the absence of any indications to the contrary, this is to be assumed in the case in dispute ” (BGH, decision of February 17, 2020, Ref.: I ZB 39/19).
Trademark application in bad faith as leverage in competition
Trademark applications in bad faith: How abusive registrations lead to a blocking position and circumvent competition law – an EGC case.