The Berlin Regional Court has ruled that Google LLC, Mountain View (USA) may not in future advertise hotels located in Germany with the claim “X-star hotel” either itself or through third parties in the Federal Republic of Germany without this claim being based on a currently valid certification in accordance with DEHOGA Deutsche Hotelklassifizierung GmbH for the respective hotel. The Wettbewerbszentrale had objected to such information as misleading and distorting competition. As part of the legal dispute, Google LLC then declared an acknowledgement, whereupon the Regional Court of Berlin ordered the search engine operator to cease and desist from this unlawful advertising representation (LG Berlin, judgment of July 8, 2020, Ref.: 101 O 3/19; PM of the Wettbewerbszentrale from July 20, 2020).
Inadmissible media disruption: advertising letter may not refer to general terms and conditions on the Internet
Inadmissible media disruption: advertising letters may not refer to general terms and conditions on the Internet – important decision by the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court.