Update on the photo license – 13 exciting new questions

Our photo law driving license has been updated. Test your knowledge with 13 new exciting questions about photography law.

There are still many misconceptions and uncertainties in the field of photography law. If you publish photos carelessly, you can quickly receive a warning, which is often not only annoying but can also be very expensive.

To avoid this, we have compiled the most important questions and detailed answers in our photo law driving license. Following our update, you now have the chance to test your knowledge in a fun way with 13 additional questions.

13 new questions, including on photo publication in social media and freedom of panorama

The questions in the photo law driving license relate to different areas of photo law and address issues that are relevant in everyday life. In addition to the previous questions on copyright and personal rights, you will now also find questions on freedom of panorama, the publication of photos in social media and the censoring of photos.

Of the approximately 35 questions, you will be asked seven questions at random. If you answer at least 5 questions correctly, you have passed the photo driving license.

Have you already passed the photography license? Congratulations – and simply start again to answer the new questions.

Photo law driver’s license – Test your knowledge!

Get started right away: Click here for the photo law driver’s license with the 13 new exciting questions. Good luck!

Our free handbook on photography law as a summary and in-depth guide

Have we sparked your interest with the photography law driver’s license? Then why not deepen your knowledge with our free handbook on photography law. You can download it directly here!

Our handbook on photography law currently covers the following topics, among others:

  • Photographing people and objects
  • the rights of the photographer as the author
  • Rights of use and remuneration
  • Legal protection,
  • Compensation and
  • an excursus on the model and property release

Do you have your own questions? Do you find the test too difficult or too easy? Are you missing questions on specific areas? Please send us your ideas and we will complete the test. For regular, up-to-date information from our areas of law, please subscribe to our free newsletter:

If you also have an existing problem in photo law, for example if you have received a warning letter or are in dispute about possible infringements of personal rights, our lawyers will be happy to advise you.

We navigate you through the legal pitfalls of photography law. Give us a call(0228 – 387 560 200) or send us an e-mail(info@tww.law).


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